Friday, November 26, 2010

Matthew Dillon

Born: November 14, 2005
Died: October 26, 2010

Lots of Changes...

It has been so long since I posted anything. the last posts were back in September I think..well alot has happened since then.
At the begining of October I started to feel nauseated, and I thought oh my gosh I can't be pregnant...well I decided to take apregnancy test and let's just say that I almost quit breathing...yes it said PREGNANT!!! I seriously couldnt believe it. I mean Shawnda was only 4 months old. It was a little mind boggling to me because HEctor had only been home for 5 days and I was on the pill. Well we went through a roller coster of a week because they thought that I had miscarried and we had even had an ultrasound where they couldnt find a heartbeat, but I was still feeling nauseas and pregnant, so they did another one and they found the heart beat. My doctor was really surprised and so was I. It was finally determined that I was 6 weeks along and my due date is June 6th, which is only 4 days after Shawnda's Bday..Yes they will be exactly a year apart..maybe even a little less. So crazy.. Well I have since had two ultrasounds and I am now passed my 12 week mark. Everything looks good so far. I am now getting excited..I am still a little dazed and I know it is going to be hard with two babies, but I also know that this baby is meant to come. That is the only way to describe it. And so we will gladly welcome him or her into our Hector said, "We take blessing when we can get them".
A couple of weeks after all of that craziness we found out some other big news...we got orders to Clovis, NM. Yes I said NEW MEXICO!!! We are so excited. We will be about 4 hours from my family and about 8 from Texas. Hector has to be there by the 28th of February, but I think we will leave about the 1st. There is som much to do, with either selling the house, or renting. Lots of packing to do, and we are trying to figure out the best way to get all of our stuff down there. Its going to be nutts, but I cant wait.
My family has really been through alot lately and in October we were faced with another death in the family. On October 26th my aunt Tondra's little 4 year old son Matthew was killed. He had went down to the fields with his 12 yeard old brother Quinton to get the horses in for my Grandpa. Him and my dad and brother were going to go and get some cattle in. Anyway they had taken some grain down with them and the horses started fighting over it, and little Matt was just in the wrong place and was kicked by a horse. She had actually been kicking at another horse and he was kicked in the back of the head. My aunt an grandpa were at the house and she saw QUinton running up carrying little Matt and they immediately called 911. When they got there they sent for a helicopter and meant them at the Dairy Queen in Bluewater where they flew him to ALbuquerque. HE died there at the hospital. It was such a shock and I knew that I had to be there. SO I flew out two days later. It was one of the saddest funerals I have ever been too, and it was just heart breaking to see my aunt. I stayed in New MExico for 2 weeks. I was able to spend alot of time with my aunt and also my family. It was bittersweet. Shawnda got to spend alot of time with her Grandpa, and aunts and uncles and cousins. It is defintiley things like this that make you hug your kids a little closer and appreciate life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shawnda Girl is 3 Months OLD

I can't believe that my baby is three almost 4 months old where has the time gone...

AS you can see in these pics she is getting nice and chunky

I love chunky babies..and she has started rolling from her back to her side almost her tummy.

She is smiling a ton and is so happy

She is started to notice her toys

I love to sit and watch her reach up and play with things above her, and I love to talk to her. She loves it too...she gets so excited and started kicking her legs so fast. I honestly cant get enough of her. We have been home alone alot this month, and so we get lots of time together...I never thought being a mommy could be this great...I just love her so much...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Shawnda's 2 Month Pictures

I love these little feet!!

Her Beautiful Blessing Dress that my Granny made...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Sweet Little Daughter

Hector has been gone for almost two weeks, so that is alot of time to bond....I am not saying that I didnt bond with her when she was born, but it just seems like the more I am with her and the more time that we spend together the more I just cant imagine my life without her. I just can't even believe that I am mother, and I take that role with alot of importance. I sit and look at her, and now she is starting to smile at me alot and I think of Heavenly Father humbly giving us this little girl, and trusting us to take care of her and teach her the gospel. I find myself realizing that this time of her being little will not last forever. She will sooner or later grow up and leave us. She will hopefully have a family of her own someday and she will feel the same way that I do. I have to make the best of this time with her. I love her so much. I love her little smiles...the way that when I look at her and talk to her, she acts like it is the best thing in the world. She depends on me for her needs, and I love that. She is my sweet little daughter, and I really couldn't love her more.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shawnda's Blessing

Shawnda Nicole Canales was given a name and blessing on August 1, 2010, in the MT. Taylor Ward in Grants, NM. Her daddy gave her a beautiful blessing and she had Her grandpa, my grandpa, Orrin, Tracy, Terry, Clayton, and TJ stand in the line... I also have to mention her beautiful blessing dress. My Granny made it for is something that I will forever treasure. It is all crocheted and it is flawless. She looked like a little antique doll in it. The three of us...
Wengert Cousins...well just a few of them

My sweet Grandpa...he kept telling me how much my Gram would have loved to have seen Shawnda...I love him so much

Papa Wes and dad couldnt get enough of her

Most of the Wengert Family

Family Reunion

We just recently had a family reunion in Bluewater . When my aunts where here in Delaware last fall we planned this reunion, and then when my Grandma died they decided to go ahead and have the reunion. I was so happy that we got to go...I loved seeing everybody and it was extra special because everyone got to meet Shawnda. I have to admit that it was hard at the same time because there was a definite void without my Gram Grandpa told me three or four times how much my Grandma would have loved SHawnda. I know she would have..I miss her alot, but I am so glad that we had the reunion that is what she would have wanted. My dad and Shawnda...
My Granny with us

Orrin, my Dad, Seth, and Hector

My sweet Sisters and us

My sister Ki

Wengert Cousin,,,,Derek, Abby, KAtie, Jaxson, Payson, Porter, and HEctor

My wonderful Borthers Seth and Logan

Beth and Jax

Dad and SHawnda

Little Natalie (Lattie) and SHawnda

Seth and Shawnda

Auntie Kate and SHawnda

My Granny

My dad, aunt Tondra, and Uncle Terry