She is finally here. Our little girl was born on June 2, 2010. I went in on tuesday the 2nd at 6:30 that night and they inserted cervidel to soften my cervix and hopefully make me dialate. I was a 2 at that time. That night I had horrible like menstraul cramps but that were consistent like contractions. By the next morning I was a 4. They started the patosin at 7am and by 10 I was a 6 and into labor. At this time I got an epidural and they broke my water. It was hard getting the epidural because I was having hard contractions while he was trying to put in the epidural. It was pretty horrible. But anyway about 1 hour later I was a 9 and I couldnt help but push. They kept telling me not to push and wait for a doctor but I couldnt help it. I pushed for 36 minutes and she was born at 2:16 pm. In all i was in labor for 4 hours and pushed for 36 minutes. Hector was with me the whole time and was a great support. Kileigh was also there and I was so grateful for that. I was there when her first, Porter was born so it meant alot that she could be there for mine. Anyway we love our little girl and we are so proud of her. I feel great. By the next day I felt great. I was sore, but I have bounced right back. She weighed 6 lbs 11oz, and was 20.25 inches long.
So stinkin cute!! Can't wait to meet that precious baby! She was born on Kynlies bday too!
Yay Lexi! What a champ! You were obviously made to have babies :) She is so darling! I love the pictures with the huge flower! Congrats!!
Congratulations!! She is so cute!! I am glad everything went well!! You will be a wonderful mother!
Such darling pictures of your sweet family and gorgeous baby girl.
Oh MY FREAKING HECK LEX! She is so stinking cute! I love her little flower and outfit! YAY!
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